Introduction What is Plain Text? Why Plain Text? An Example of the Plain Text Workflow Parting Thoughts Reading time: 10 minute(s) @ 200 WPM.
Introduction The Plain Text Workflow is an alternative to writing with a word processor. Mind you, I said writing, not typesetting or formatting, which is a major part of what word processors do. The idea of the plain text workflow is that you separate the act of writing from that of producing a formatted, typeset final document.
The R Notebook Habitat structure and phenotypic variation in the invading butterfly Coenonympha tullia is a mockup of a scientific paper (although the field data are real) to illustrate the use of R Notebooks as a means of creating reproducible research. The objective is to produce publication-quality output, in HTML, PDF, and Microsoft Word formats, with text, literature citations, a formatted bibliography, statistical analyses, tables, and graphics, all from one, plain-text R Notebook.
Reproducible Research Software Installation Rendering Documents in RStudio Writing and Citing in RStudio R Notebooks Reproducible Research Revisited Coda I: Python Coda II: Inspirational Quotes About Data Reading time: 22 minute(s) @ 200 WPM.
R ( is a programming language and software platform for statistical computing and graphics, widely used in academia and industry (see An Introduction to R). RStudio is an integrated development environment for R.