
An R script for calculating the reading time of an R Markdown file

Reading time: 2 minute(s) @ 200 WPM. To see how we just did that, read on. Because psychological research tells us that including estimated reading times can increase reader engagement with digital content, I decided to include reading times for my riveting posts. So I wrote a simple R script. Here it is, as an R code chunk: ```{r echo=FALSE} bytes The script is very simple, such that even I could program it.

The Plain Text Workflow

Introduction What is Plain Text? Why Plain Text? An Example of the Plain Text Workflow Parting Thoughts Reading time: 10 minute(s) @ 200 WPM. Introduction The Plain Text Workflow is an alternative to writing with a word processor. Mind you, I said writing, not typesetting or formatting, which is a major part of what word processors do. The idea of the plain text workflow is that you separate the act of writing from that of producing a formatted, typeset final document.

R Markdown Test

Reading time: 2 minute(s) @ 200 WPM. Yes, it doth work. The blogdown package can nicely deal with R Markdown containing embedded R code for production of statistical analyses and graphics. But. It cannot deal with R Notebooks, which contain a special flavor of R Markdown allowing for interactive display of R code alongside the results they produce. R Notebooks, when rendered into HTML, produce a special file named *.

Video test

Reading time: 1 minute(s) @ 200 WPM. We now attempt to insert into our R Markdown file, which Hugo then renders into HTML, an mp4 video of dragonflies (insect order Odonata, in case you’re wondering) that were congregating in my front yard a few summers ago. So I’m thinking, just insert it using a regular Markdown image tag, yes? Like this: ![](/mp4/Dragonflies.mp4). And so, that worked. To center this video on the page I am using the deprecated HTML <center> tag inside of my R Markdown.