The R Notebook Habitat structure and phenotypic variation in the invading butterfly Coenonympha tullia is a mockup of a scientific paper (although the field data are real) to illustrate the use of R Notebooks as a means of creating reproducible research. The objective is to produce publication-quality output, in HTML, PDF, and Microsoft Word formats, with text, literature citations, a formatted bibliography, statistical analyses, tables, and graphics, all from one, plain-text R Notebook.
Reproducible Research Software Installation Rendering Documents in RStudio Writing and Citing in RStudio R Notebooks Reproducible Research Revisited Coda I: Python Coda II: Inspirational Quotes About Data Reading time: 22 minute(s) @ 200 WPM.
R ( is a programming language and software platform for statistical computing and graphics, widely used in academia and industry (see An Introduction to R). RStudio is an integrated development environment for R.
Reading time: 3 minute(s) @ 200 WPM.
I was until very recently involved in an epic struggle to get the system described in Making a Website Using Blogdown, Hugo, and GitHub pages to work for me. (See also Building a Blog with Blogdown and GitHub.) I really want it to work, because it has produced the current website that you are now reading, and I’m sure you’ll agree that it is very, very beautiful, in a stark, post-apocalyptic, Mordor-esque sort of way.
There seems to be a bug in blogdown in which time stamps for posts are all 00:00.
Either that or there is something in some setting somewheres that I am missing.
If we use the blogdown “New Post” RStudio addin, the time stamp for the post is 00:00.
However, if we create a post using the blogdown new_post() function, the time stamp is correct.
This either needs to be fixed or I need to be re-educated.
This site is written, built, and maintained in RStudio using the R blogdown package and the Hugo static website generator. See Making a Website Using Blogdown, Hugo, and GitHub.
An apparent quirk (or maybe it’s a feature) of this system is that hyperlinks are not displayed in the short summary displayed by default for each post. The summary consists simply of the first n lines of the posts’s text, where the variable n has a value that is unknown to me.