A Comment About Comments


Reading time: 1 minute(s) @ 200 WPM.

Readers of this website (if any) may have noticed that I recently implemented Disqus comments. This is very easy to do in a Hugo-generated website. Sign up for a free Disqus account, put your Disqus shortname (basically your account ID) into your Hugo configuration file, and Hugo takes care of generating all the necessary code when it creates your static website. Disqus sends you email notifications whenever somebody writes a comment, and you can moderate comments, write replies, delete comments, mark comments as spam, and yada yada yada.

So each post now has a Comments section at the bottom, enabling threaded discussion about the content of my erudite, gripping posts.

However, there has been some suggestion that Discus comments impose a page weight burden due to the overhead of loading the comments, to the tune of an extra 226Kb minimum per page loaded.

So we will see how this goes. If the comment overhead bogs things down, or if nobody comments, or alternatively if the massive amount of commentary becomes a crushing burden, then I’ll turn the comments off.

Anyway, you can always send me comments on the Twitter.


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